Expedient, those summoned to appear


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artistic practices

How to Cite

Ariza Aguilar, M. (2023). Expedient, those summoned to appear. Papel Escena, (19), 75–81. https://doi.org/10.56908/pe.n19.585 (Original work published March 25, 2023)


The proposed dialogue explores the Salve Salva Salvia project as a memory document and artistic action device that questions the state’s obligation to protect and the possibility of artistic practices to restore dignity. Salve, Salva, Salvia is a participatory gesture in the form of an offering, of memory and healing (or relief), in the process of creating the Interdisciplinary Master’s Degree in Theater and Living Arts of the National University of Colombia. This practice arises from an ethical call at the juncture of the social outbreak in the city of Cali, Colombia, Due to the murders of young protesters in the framework of the National Strike between April and June 2021 in Colombia.

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