Racialization of Afro women in the theater and other scenarios


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race stereotypes
black woman

How to Cite

Salazar Quiñones, M. J. . (2023). Racialization of Afro women in the theater and other scenarios. Papel Escena, (19), 82–100. https://doi.org/10.56908/pe.n19.586 (Original work published March 25, 2023)


In general I will address the issue of how racialization is experienced in the performing arts and how black women are vulnerable to multiple stereotypes of race and gender. However, there are those resistances from art that seek to resignify, transform and deconstruct these stereotypes, so at the end some examples of resignification will be enunciated. First, a contextualization of the origins of racialization will be carried out. For this reason, we will begin by addressing the concepts of racialization, race and the denomination black. In a second moment, some racializing perceptions of the black woman in latin america, and how these perceptions have been translated into representations in theater, literature, and the media. In a third moment, the issue of resignification according to henry louis gates, jr.
Will be addressed, giving various examples in this regard and finally the examples of resignification will be explained in the theatrical and literary field.

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