Pilar Restrepo Mejía: interview
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La Máscara theater group
trajectory and contributions
theater halls
development of the cultural sector

How to Cite

Hernández Dávila , O., & Restrepo Mejía, P. . (2024). Pilar Restrepo Mejía: interview. Papel Escena, (20), e–60629. https://doi.org/10.56908/pe.n20.629


This interview is the fourth in a series of conversations from Facultad de  Artes  Escénicas de Bellas Artes held about the city of Cali theater halls to recognize their trajectories and contributions to the development of Cali's cultural and academic sector. On this occasion, we are accompanied by Pilar Restrepo Mejía from La Máscara theater group, which this year celebrates 52 years of stage life. The headquarters and the room are located in San Antonio on Carrera 10 No. 3 – 40.  

PDF (Español (España)) Visitas: 2
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