Thetransfer, travel and play


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Thetransfer, travel and play: Jacques Lecoq’ spedagogy, its use fulness for the work of the 2D animator. (2024). Papel Escena, 18, 50-73. (Original work published 2022)


This article analyzes the design of non-human
animated characters through the interaction of
techniques between 2D sequential drawing and
the theatrical creation pedagogy proposed by the
French Master Jacques Lecoq. The main objective
is to promote the development of skills and
competences in the design and construction of
animated characters with a high level of empathy
with the animator. The research methodology
used was of a mixed nature, linking qualitative
research tools such as the formation of a working
focus group and research creation with the
development of small animated works. With the
evaluation of the results and the testimonies, by
way of reflections of the animators involved in the exercises, they will be able to propose various applications of the exercises developed, such as course content or subjects, in which concerns about movement and transfers, to put them into practice as an interdisciplinary process between theatrical techniques and the basic principles of animation.

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