Formative artistic experiences and teaching identity of an outstanding teacher


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teaching and training
pedagogical practice
alternative education

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Formative artistic experiences and teaching identity of an outstanding teacher. (2022). Papel Escena, 18, 74-94. (Original work published 2022)


The following article proposes to document a formative experience in performing arts that allows identifying some pedagogical-educational assumptions.
Based on a qualitative case study, with an intentional sample made up of an outstanding teacher and different actors from the educational community with whom a focus group was conducted, as well as an in-depth interview, the analysis is carried out, which recognizes a change in the perception in the educational community about the presence of a cultural artistic project and about its importance in the integral formation of students. This document is derived from the research work “Training experiences and situated itineraries. An approach to teaching identities from the narrative documentation of pedagogical-educational practices and social representations
of outstanding teachers”, carried out at the Universidad del Valle.

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