Become a theater to educate


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Didactic piece
frontier pedagogy
theater of the oppressed
pedagogical action research

How to Cite

Become a theater to educate: The fusion between autofiction and the didactic piece. (2024). Papel Escena, 20, e-21602.


This article introduces the results of the investigation: Make Theater for de social education. Methodology Autoficcional for the Creation of Didactic Theater. The project studies didactic work as a dramatic genre and proposes a new technique for the creation of didactic pieces. The theory uses autofiction to find the creative detonator of the work, and consolidate creations that challenge, question, and break belief systems of oppressive environments for the subjects in question. This approach implies carrying out a process of didactic transposition, in which the life of a subject is transformed into teaching content, which, through a process of poeticization, is brought to the scene to fulfill an educational purpose. The goal of this research is to promote reflection scenarios in two communities through the creation of didactic works mediated by autofiction. To do this, it relies on Paulo Freire's Critical Pedagogy and Giroux's Frontier Pedagogy, who conceived education as an emancipatory process. Therefore, the creators and spectators of didactic pieces must assume the challenge of social change, that is, that they are spectator-actors in their own contexts. The methodology used is Pedagogical Action Research, because the analysis is based on the device for the creation of didactic works, in order to configure and reconfigure the proposed technique so that it can be applied in differentiated educational settings. The implementation occurs in an international context (Universidad Nacional de Cuyo in Argentina), in order to validate the application versatility of the device. The main result of the research is an alternative and innovative proposal to create didactic pieces, on which any dramatic art professional can rely to direct creative processes with an educational approach.

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