Periphery lights
Personaje de Pancracio representado por Duban Meneses en una presentación en el Teatro Casa Naranja. Tomada por Felipe Hincapié 2023
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informal settlements
magical realism

How to Cite

Periphery lights. (2024). Papel Escena, 20, e-40619.


The play is the result of a social research conducted by Diana Carolina Mendoza and Francisco Domínguez on the migration process in the hillsides of Cali, a story that takes place in the eighties and through allegorical characters presents the deterioration of a community for having a scarce and finite resource, taking up issues such as rootedness, solidarity and inequality.

The play tells the story of a pregnant woman displaced by violence who arrives at La Esperanza, an informal settlement located on the hillside of the city of Cali. After giving birth, the baby suffers from severe yellowness that causes her to glow at night. When the community discovers this, they take advantage of the light to build houses and legalize themselves, leading to an unexpected ending.

From this story, the memory of our popular neighborhoods and everyday stories that have shaped our cities is recreated. It is understood as a dramatic work that allows the game, the use of proverbs and idioms of the region, the metaphor and the use of a minimal scenery, within the framework of magical realism.

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