Stories of wounds, paths of healing


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Testimonial Theatre
Colombian armed conflict
War Victims
Sexual Violence

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Stories of wounds, paths of healing: Testimonial Theater with victims of the armed conflict. (2022). Papel Escena, 18, 34-49. (Original work published 2022)


The article presents the results of an art-based research workshop with afro descendant and indigenous women victims of sexual violence in the Colombian armed conflict. The method used was art-based action-research, where the researcher designed and facilitated a testimonial theatre workshop that included the creation of ritual spaces to share autobiographical stories, and a play, in which the same people who had experienced the stories performed them on stage. The process gave two main results. The first (creative) was a ritual, designed by the women, and a theatrical play where each participant enacted her own story. The second (psychosocial) was that the workshop contributed to heal the wounds of the participants and make their stories visible. The enactment and presentation of their stories to an external audience allowed the protagonists to go from feeling like “victims” to identifying themselves as “witnesses” of the armed conflict, and to redefining their identity as builders of collective memory and actresses of coexistence. In conclusion, the author recommends the intentional and systematic inclusion of art based, performative and testimonial methods in all processes aiming at building peace and promoting coexistence and non-repetition.

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